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TEST: FDM Element with crochet Spectra ligaments and Polyethylene(PE) Tendon Sheath.

Ligament: Is made up of a short band of tough, flexible fibrous connective spectra which connects two bones together as a joint. Acting as a scaffold allowing the bones to hold together. Hand Ligaments are tough bands of fibrous tissue that join bones together. Six major ligaments give stability to the wrist by joining the radius to the carpal bones and binding the two rows of carpal bones together. These ligaments joint with others to link the wrist to the hand. Tendon Sheath: A tendon sheath is a layer of Polyethylene membrane around the tendon as i guide as well as helping to allow it the tendon to move with less friction.


Tendons are white, flexible fibrous cords at the ends of muscles that attach the muscles to the radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges. When the muscles contract, they pull on the tendons to move the bone. The tendons that run down our fingers are held in place by a series of ligaments, called pulleys, that arch over the tendons forming a “tunnel-like” sheath. Normally, the tendons glide easily through the tunnel. Some tendons also serve as stabilizers.

A series of ligaments in a tunnel-like arrangement hold the tendons in place on the bones. A slippery coating, called tenosynovium, surrounds the tendons and keeps the tendons moving smoothly under the ligaments when the hand grasps objects.

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